Tuesday, October 30, 2012

No Lower Zone A Manhattan Transportation Hub: Hurricane Sandy

Would You Build a Multi-Billion Dollar Transportation HUB in Zone A, Lower Manhattan, Now or in the Future? 

This BLOG is to give praise to the government’s handling of Hurricane Sandy both in the preparation phrase and now in the recovery phase.   Lives have been lost, homes have been burned and leveled and hundreds of thousands of people left without power will bravely suffer, many of them in Zone A and numbers of people in Zone B and other areas where power is not expected to be restored for as long as fourteen days, as per reports.   The flooding has been massive.  The suffering will continue. 
With all due praise given to the government, the politicians, the brave first responders and the number of volunteers, this is precisely the time to bring up the lack of foresight as the Metropolitan Transport Authority has continued planning to build a transportation hub in the lower part of Manhattan which this writer feels would be both dangerous, unwise and wasteful.   No one is talking about it now.  It is not the time, even this writer feels for this discussion but if we are learn from and plan wisely costly structures to benefit New York City that the lessons from Hurricane Sandy prove that an underground transportation hub in the next few years in New York City is a boondoggle. K. Leslie Graves


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